Current Members
Welcome to the new look PVS website - please make sure that you complete all of the registration process so that I can authorise you quickly and get you full access ASAP.
Everyone will need to register the first time they use this website, even if you registered for the November 2013 meeting through here - this is to ensure that our membership database is fully up to date.
Please hit the 'Apply for Membership' link above in the header and fill out all the boxes, with the exception of:-
- Fill in the Notes box with 'Current Member 2013'
- Leave Proposer/Seconder blank
- No requirement to upload a CV
I will then check your membership status against the Master List and authorise your access to the next level for payment - you will receive an email to let you know.
If you have already paid Janice, or a Direct Debit request has already been sent by Paul, I will also renew your membership manually and you will have full access straight away - again you will receive an email to let you know and your receipt will be available in your account (click on your name in the Header when you are logged in).
If you have not already paid, you will then be able to proceed through to SagePay and complete your transaction to gain you full access automatically - your receipt will be available in your account (click on your name in the Header when you are logged in).
Please allow me a couple of days to run through all the above once you register since I only have so many hours in the day and there are several different lists I have to run through to check for all our members. I will also be updating all the Resource areas of the new site over the coming couple of weeks, so keep checking back to see how I'm getting on!
Any questions or worries then please do get in touch - all the best, Duncan