Vet Record Letter - Marbofloxacin
Members may have seen the editorial article that was published by the Vet Record a couple of weeks ago about the use of marbofloxacin in pigs (Silva, N., Sousa, M. (2017) Is marbofloxacin a good candidate for treating pigs in Europe? Veterinary Record 180, 588-590).
In order to avoid potential misunderstanding about the use of marbofloxacin, arising from this article, a response was jointly written by PVS and the BVA and published this week (Responsible use of antimicrobials Veterinary Record 181, 23). This clarifies the PVS and BVA position on use of marbofloxacin which remains unchanged as in the PVS Prescribing Principles; marbofloxacin is classed as a critically important antibiotic (CIA) and should only be used when no other option is available, ideally when laboratory testing supports its use or all other antibiotics have failed.
It is important the efforts that everyone involved within the pig farming sector is putting in are recognised and that we all work towards a common goal. The authors of the original editorial article responded to the joint PVS-BVA letter accepting the points made.