Pig Disease Surveillance Dashboard launched
Launch of GB pig disease surveillance dashboard
This message is to let you know of the release of a GB pig disease surveillance dashboard, similar to the sheep and cattle dashboards launched by APHA earlier this year.
This new online resource can be found at:https://public.tableau.com/profile/siu.apha#!/vizhome/PigDashboard/Overview
The pig disease surveillance dashboard has been developed to share the surveillance information from 2012 onwardsderived from submissions to the GB veterinary diagnostic network (http://ahvla.defra.gov.uk/documents/surveillance/maps/england-wales-map17.pdf) which includes:
- APHA’s Veterinary Investigation Centres (VICs) across England and Wales
- The network of surveillance partners working with APHA (universities and others) who provide post mortem services under contract
- Scotland’s Rural College Disease Surveillance Centres in Scotland operated by SAC Consulting Veterinary Services
The pig disease surveillance dashboard is an interactive tool offering a user-friendly means of accessing surveillance information and allowing people to interrogate the data to suit their requirements.
It is ideal to use full-screen and to read the Overview page before accessing the dashboard as it has tips on how to best view and filter the information.There are also guidelines on using the dashboards on the Vet Gateway link here http://ahvla.defra.gov.uk/vet-gateway/surveillance/scanning/disease-dashboards.htm.
The dashboard is aimed primarily at veterinary practitioners, sharing the data that they contribute to in an easy-to-access format. The dashboard presents counts of diagnoses and users can tailor how they view the data by geographic area, age group, clinical sign and time period. It will also be of value to others interested in diseases diagnosed in pigs by the surveillance network across GB.
We are grateful to all APHA, SAC-CVS, partner PME provider, Defra and Welsh Government colleagues, Pig Expert Group members, and Pig Veterinary Society and other colleagues who have assisted development and review of this resource prior to its launch.
The APHA surveillance webpages updated earlier this year also include a webpage for pig surveillance and the Pig Expert Group found on this link: http://ahvla.defra.gov.uk/vet-gateway/surveillance/seg/pig.htm