At the recent National Pig Awards evening in London, PVS member Professor Jim Scudamore received the prestigious David Black award for his...
Take 15 minutes to complete the Big Farming Survey RABI has launched the largest ever survey of its kind in England and Wales, with a...
New targets for the responsible use of antibiotics in UK farm animals over the next four years have been released today, European Antibiotic...
Save the Date! Welfare codes and their interpretation-Remote meeting for members only Time: 4pm 8th December Duncan Berkshire will be...
Following the announcement of the Welsh firebreak lockdown, any members affected should see the following links for further guidance from the...
Applications for the 2020 MSD Animal Health Veterinary Surgeon Research Bursaries have now opened. Three new research bursaries have...
This programme is now in its eighth year. It was developed by AHDB, the NPA allied industry group (AIG) and Harper Adams University in 2012...
Entries are now open for the 7th National Pig Awards. The awards recognise and reward excellence, foster innovation and inspire...
A major review of the PVS Prescribing Principles for Antimicrobials has been conducted by the PVS Medicines subgroup to provide guidance to...
Following the UK Government's updated guidance on COVID-19 from this afternoon that advises against all unnecessary social contact, the...